Happy Father’s Day – A Tale of Three

It’s that time of year: father’s day . Time to say thank you to our fathers or enjoy the day if we are fathers. I am not a father. Yet. (Please don’t email me if I am). As I am now. I’ve been fortunate in having three fathers. My first father, who had the joys…

9 balconies

Nine balconies, at the local police barracks. Captured: June 5, 2008. for the photographers: [lameda_exif id=927 info=”camera,focal_length,iso,aperture,shutter_speed”] spacer

hong kong dawn

I captured this while roaming around Yau Ma Tai (Hong Kong). Dawn is a great time for photography, you get a chance to see things rarely seen. And, it’s not blistering hot. Click the image to see a larger version. Dedicated to to Shawn at Brain Clutter. aside: I’ve been a bad blogger as of…

no justice

As is my life in China, last night I was drinking Hennessy, eating crab, shrimp, and other expensive seafood.

better than reality TV

Outside my window. I’d rather watch this than Survivor, or the evil and vacant Tyra Banks on ANTM. big brother is another story. Captured: May 2, 2008, Shenzhen, China

meat cleavers, drawers, and heat syncs

It’s been a challenging week for The Stevo. I mentioned my new desk, complete with credenza and movable cabinet. Thursday morning saw me trying to shift furniture around an impossibly small space. Somehow, the cabinet portion became locked after I shut a drawer. After 20 fruitless minutes I was forced to grab ye ole meat…

fox-like creatures and blissful sleep

For the first time in more than two years I slept eight entire hours. That’s right, last night I slept like a tired toddler. I’m usually up-and-at-em after four or five hours of shui jiao, a rather distressing habit. I awoke beside the lovely Mrs. Stevo, the sun streaming through the somewhat dirty window. I…

Speaking Chinese: Playing dumb

Playing dumb, I have found, is extremely useful. A somewhat lackluster student of Mandarin, or Putonghua, I understand much more than I am given credit for.